Draft report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review* Libya
This report was prepared by Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review
The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, held its thirty-sixth session from 2 to 13 November 2020. The review of Libya was held at the 15th meeting, on 11 November 2020. The delegation of Libya was headed by H.E. Mr. Mohamed A. LAMLOM, Minister of Justice. At its 17th meeting, held on 13 November 2020, the Working Group adopted the report on Libya.
- On 14 January 2020, the Human Rights Council selected the following group of rapporteurs (troika) to facilitate the review of Libya: Czech Republic, Italy and Namibia.
- In accordance with paragraph 15 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 and paragraph 5 of the annex to Council resolution 16/21, the following documents were issued for the review of Libya:
(a) A national report submitted/written presentation made in accordance with paragraph 15 (a) (A/HRC/WG.6/36/LBY/1);
(b) A compilation prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in accordance with paragraph 15 (b) (A/HRC/WG.6/36/LBY/2);
(c) A summary prepared by OHCHR in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) (A/HRC/WG.6/36/LBY/3).
- A list of questions prepared in advance by Belgium, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal on behalf of the Group of Friends on NMIRF’s, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Uruguay was transmitted to Libya through the troika. These questions are available on the website of the universal periodic review.