HRS calls for investigation into the death of an asylum seeker at ain Zareh detention centre
n a statement today, Human Rights Solidarity called for an investigation into the death of an asylum seeker at an immigration detention centre in Tripoli’s Ain Zareh area. Yesterday evening the body of Mohammed Mahmoud Abdul Aziz was found in the centre, and according to his friends, he died by hanging.
The victim, a 19-year-old from Sudan, suffered a head injury two years ago when he was beaten by his employer who refused to pay the victim for his work. Since that incident, the victim has suffered from brain health problems, seizures, and pain.
Earlier this year, the victim registered as an asylum seeker at the OFFICE of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Tripoli. The anti-illegal immigration agency arrested the victim among hundreds arrested in front of the UNHCR’s “Day Community Centre” building in Al-Sarraj on January 10, 2022. UNHCR was aware of his health and requested his release from the Ain Zareh Centre and pledged to provide an amount to cover a one-month rental. The victim voluntarily returned to the centre because he didn’t feel safe on the street.
The incident highlights the situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Libya. Friends of the victim reported that when they informed the Office of the High Commissioner for the Discovery of his hanging, the Office refused to intervene, and his body remained suspended until noon.
According to UNHCR reports, more than 40,000 refugees and asylum seekers are registered with UNHCR’s Libya office, and UNHCR has only one office in Tripoli. Hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers inside and outside Tripoli do not receive any support and assistance from the UNHCR office, dozens complained to Human Rights solidarity that UNHCR did not respond to phone calls
HRS calls on the authorities to investigate the circumstances of the death of refugee Mohamed Abdel Aziz and calls on UNHCR to correct the significant deficiencies in its staff’s handling of the situation of refugees and asylum seekers