Press Release

Fears of imminent War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity

In a statement released today, Monday 9th December, in Geneva Switzerland, Human Rights Solidarity (HRS), warned of the possibility that the militias loyal to the renegade general, Khalifa Haftar, aided by international mercenaries from Russia, Chad, Sudan, will commit grave violations to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL), if they encroach deeper into dense urban areas of Tripoli.

HRS’s warnings came while the organization held a press conference in Geneva on the eve of completing 20 years of monitoring and promoting human rights practices. HRS was established on the 10th December 1999, the United Nations Human Rights Day[i]. Mr. Giumma El Omami, President of HRS, said “last Thursday, we met with law makers at the European Parliament in Brussels, and expressed our concerns of the looming threats of atrocities and carnage in Tripoli and beyond”, and added “we explained to the law makers the background of the ongoing attack on Tripoli, and its implications to the wellbeing of millions in Libya and beyond”.

HRS’s meetings in Brussels were part of its campaign to win support for a resolution, in the upcoming Human Rights Council 43rd Regular Session[ii], to establish an International Commission of Inquiry to investigate violations of International Human Rights Law in Libya. “we met with members of the Human Rights Subcommittee at the European Parliament, and we found that they support the initiative for the investigative Commission”.

Mr. Ghassan Salamé, the head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, warned[iii] of “massacres” and “… a bloodbath, a terrible situation of street-to-street battles, with unspeakable massacres and destruction in the heart of urban areas …” of Tripoli.

Mr. Ahmed El Gasir, senior Human Rights Researcher at HRS, said “considering Haftar’s militias track record of grave violations of IHL and IHRL, in Benghazi, Derna and Merziq, possibilities of mass massacres are very high. The prospects are very grave”. Mr. El Gasir added, “the problem with the current situation is that, disrespect to international and national laws and norms comes from the top, of the leadership of this loose coalition of tribal militias, extremist Salafi militias, remnants of the old regime, aided by mercenaries from Sudan, Chad and Russia. Since the start of the attack in April, violations amounting to war crimes have been frequently documented”.

Human Rights Solidarity published a report titled “The Dire Consequences of Enabling a Military Dictatorship in Libya”. HRS warned of the consequences of enabling the return of a military dictatorship in Libya. It documented the destructive path from 2014 to current situation.

[i] United Nations: “Human Rights Day, 10th December”.

[ii] Human Rights Council, 43rd Regular Session, 24th February – 20th March 2020, Geneva.

[iii] Corriere Della Sera: “Allarme dell’inviato Onu: «Grazie all’aiuto dei russi Haftar prenderà

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