
Solidarity publishes its report: Monitoring Abductions and Assassinations in Libya in 2020:

Huma Rights Solidarity released its new report, which monitors the victims of abductions and assassinations between January 1 and December 31st.
During 2020, A total of 1,834 victims of violent incidents in different cities in Libya have been monitored. The vast majority, 96%, of the victims were civilians, that mounts to 1,768 victims. Whereas the number of victims between Police, security and military represented 4% of the victims

The percentage of victims of Arbitrary Detention was 52%, followed by victims of assassinations and killing , (including bombings, terrorist attacks and extrajudicial killings), 23% of all victims, while abduction victims 18%
The report also monitors the number of women and children among the total number of victims, and the geographical areas where these crimes were present.

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